Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Lethargy. Despite having lots to do and the desire to get it done, today I seem to have achieved very little of what I was intending. I was supposed to do some research for the job interview I have got tomorrow and I've only spent about half an hour on it. I wanted to write some letters and ring some disco clients but never quite got around to it. James spent 2 1/2 hours in school this afternoon which should have been my ideal opportunity but before I knew it, 2 hours had gone by and I'd done nothing but watch TV.
Tantrums. I have been reduced to tears this evening by James' temper tantrum. He's not a bad kid, but like most 3 year olds has the odd tantrum. Tonight, on top of everything else that is happening, I have no shame in saying it just got too much. for 25 minutes he screamed and cried and stamped and pushed. I had to lock him in his room for a couple of minutes when I lost it but after I got me head back together I sat in his room with him until he got it out of his system. You wouldn't believe how tiring it is.
Wish me luck! I have a job interview tomorrow at 9.45am (UK time). The job sounds interesting and I am quite keen to land this one. I should really put up a comments box for moments like this.

that's a nice rock!



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