Sunday, June 30, 2002

Limits. Today started so well. Sharon's mum had James and Chloe over night because I was working so I got a bit of a lie in this morning. I phoned her at 10am to say I'd be round in a bit. "No you won't" she said, "I'm taking them to the Zoo for the day so you and Sharon can spend some time together". Sometimes her Mum can be a real pain in the neck, but then she comes through with something like that.
So we stayed in bed and watched the World Cup Final (we're not into football but the was bugger all else on). I have to say, I actually enjoyed watching it, which is probably only the second football match I can say that about. Sharon was a lot brighter although still in pain. It seemed like her body was getting used to it and tuning it out.
Unfortunately the afternoon went downhill. We took advantage of being kid-less and Sharon came with me to do the shopping. We were only out for half an hour but by the time we got back Sharon was in so much pain that she was in tears. And then she got really upset because if she can't manage a half hour shopping trip then she is virtually confined to the house. After that I had a little feeling sorry for myself (or rather us) session and got nothing done around the house. I managed to sort myself out in time to go pick up the kids though.
Friends. Fidget, run by my good friend Barry Diston celebrated its 1st birthday this morning. Its one of the maddest night club events around and I used to spend the occasional Sunday morning there when it first started. Its a shame I couldn't make it today but life has its priorities.
The outside world. It hard keeping track of the rest of the world at the moment. Big Brother is apparently hotting up but I really can't work up any interest in it this year. However, I did see this on Ananova today. Has the world gone completely mad? Giving drugs to prisoners before release so that they can build up a tolerance? Surely they should be working toward keeping them off drugs? Just a suggestion.

that's a nice rock!



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